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Government Contracting

Company Data

As an electrical contractor with 20+ years of experience, Gerke Electric delivers tailored solutions in Electrical & Security Systems Integration, Design-Build Services, Advanced Lighting & Display Technologies, and Fire Alarm system service & installation. We have protected more than 40,000,000 sq feet of property spread across 6 states through our work on life safety, security, and lighting systems. Clients like the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of the Interior, and a range of State, Local, Educational, Healthcare, Financial and Commercial organizations trust us for precision, accountability, and exceptional service.

Legal Name:

Gerke Electric, Inc.









Contract Vehicles:

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13 Phillips Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45217

Core Competencies

  • Fire alarm, security, access control
  • Fire alarm system inspections
  • Troubleshooting and repair services
  • Design build services
  • Lighting upgrades and LED retrofits
  • Electrical Vehicle Charging (EVITP Certified)
  • Large electronic displays
  • Nurse call systems
  • Thermal Imaging of electrical equipment and preventative maintenance

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  • Over 15 million square feet of finished interior space wired, repaired, and or maintained
  • Upgraded and maintained over 10 million feet of exterior lighting
  • Our Dedicated, Accountable, Responsive, Resourceful, and Trustworthy (DARRT ) Customer Service Pledge has delivered results in 6 locations, supporting 5 million people

Past Performance

Department of Veteran Affairs: 36C24224C0024, Prime Contractor for- Upgrade Access Control Station Wide at the VA Medical Center in Canandaigua NY, $598,000.00, 2023-2024. Expanded and made upgrades to the access control systems in 9 buildings. (exceptional CPARS)

Department of the Interior, National Park Service: 140P6223Q0037, Prime Contractor for Ulysses S. Grant NHS – Visitor Center Surveillance System Replacement. $56,919.20, 2023. Replaced the Surveillance System in 4 days.

State of Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice: RFB-101-24, Prime Contractor for the replacement of the fire alarm system at the juvenile detention center in Newport Kentucky, $89,000.00. The fire alarm system was down for only the first two days of the project and was fully operational after 2 weeks.

Various Public and Private Universities in Ohio: Electrical, Fire Alarm, Tele-Data, CCTV, Service and Maintenance and work on AV systems. Xavier University, 2009-Present, renovated whole dormitories, office, and classroom buildings in 13 weeks. University of Cincinnati, 2023-2024 electrical and fire alarm work for elevator upgrades in 3 buildings. Ohio State University, Video Boards at the Lacross and Field Hocky Fields, 2023. University of Mount Saint Joseph, Renovation of the Archbishop Alter Library, 2023.

Past Government Customers

Department of Veteran Affairs, Department of Interior, Department of Justice, the General Services

Request a Quote or Call Back

13 Phillips Avenue, Cincinnati,  OH 45217  |  Tel: 513-641-5385

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